Monday, December 30, 2013



Have to fess up that I'm not really one for making resolutions or goal setting for that matter...I can help you set your goals no problem but for myself? No gold stars there...heck, I could do with my own personal life coach...or maybe I just need a personal assistant! lol
If I have learnt anything from this past year, it's don't bite off more than you can chew, and ask for help (although I'm not shy in that area...just need more help lol). Prioritize what's important (family and friends), set a healthy balance between home, work and play and of course ME time.
So, what is my New Years resolution? Make more time for me. Selfish? Not at all. If you don't look after you, how can you give 100% to family & friends and to everything else you do?
So top of the list for 2014?
1. Self Care
Exercise, Eat healthier,
Meditate and schedule a few pamper me days.
2. Time with Family & Friends
Good quality meaningful and fun times. More laughter, I love to laugh, best medicine by far!
3. Be more organized
Prioritize these darn lists, set healthy and realistic goals, reset my body clock to get up and at it earlier in the day , and clock off, shut down earlier at night. Hopefully by setting a routine, exercising and eating healthier that I will actually sleep better...and no more night owl!
4. Fully launch my business
Procrastinated long enough. Have to make money this year so I can afford the next on the list!
The transition from the non profit world to being my own boss has been a bit of a struggle and to be perfectly honest...still is. I need to retrain my thought's okay to charge a fee for my services! Hoping I will get a business mentor, that sure would help. Money has never been a top priority but it sure would be nice to have enough to live a simple but interesting life.
5. Travel
Write a Bucket List of places to go. And start checking them off! The world is a big place, lots to see and not enough time to see it all.
6. Try new things
Toastmasters is on the list...should have tried this years ago!
Cooking. I love good food, just don't love cooking it. I could be a bit more adventurous. Planning on planting a vegetable garden in our new house so that will be interesting.
There you go...I've written my New Years Resolutions for 2014 and my first to do list for the year, so that's half the battle!
Wishing you happiness, good health and a prosperous year ahead.
Happy New Year. Karen xx