Healing! We all go through this process in our own way and at our own pace!
Well, healing for me was facing the demons by writing my story of abuse and sharing it with you. Am I healed from the abuse I endured? Heck no, the definition of healing was both bizarre and alien to me. What I mean by that is, I'm still going through the process. So do we ever heal? I have debated this with friends. To heal is what? To forget? There is no way to forget. We can't erase any part of our past however hard we try, but we can learn to live with it and accept it for what it is.
We are all very different on how we deal with things, and for me it is not hating my abusers...waste of emotion and my energy. I am much better than that anyway. So if not hating, not feeling shame and not thinking about it all the time is healing then I guess I'm well on my way!