Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Arizona's Voice

Arizona's Voice Against Childhood Sexual Abuse...

Arizona is of course the alias name used by the young woman I wrote about in my "I'm a Survivor"  post. I have yet to meet this brave young lady but I know that will happen pretty soon. Please go like her Facebook page Arizona's Voice Against Childhood Sexual Abuse

The petition created by Arizona's group is now circulating. *For Alberta residents only.

This petition is requesting the Legislative Assembly to pass legislation that will expedite all cases of crimes against children;
  • Automatically trigger an outside investigation, independent of Alberta Justice, where cases are stayed due to institutional or Crown delays, in order to determine the causes of such delays as well as solutions to ensure such delays do not happen again
  • Grant victims over 18 the right to waive media bans on their name if they choose to speak publicly about their victimization
  • Publish the number of Crown Stay of Proceedings and Withdrawals annually with an updated action plan from the Attorney General detailing how this problem is being addressed
  • And ensure the government allocates adequate resources to ensure the Crown Prosecutor’s office is able to effectively manage all prosecutions against violent offenders, especially those charged with sexual and other violent crimes against children
For more information on how you can help or to sign this petition email arizonasvoice2012@gmail.com or facebook Arizona's Voice.

Or let me know if you would like a copy for your workplace or family. Thank you for your support!


Life Goes On

Three weeks have gone by since the article on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) was published in local papers, and as the saying goes “its yesterday’s news". We all carry on in our everyday life like nothing has happened. But that is how we survive isn't it? But for victims of abuse that isn't so easy!

Quotes of the Day

"I am filled with gratitude for all the blessings of my life."

~ Louise Hay January 29, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Support and Information

No child should ever have to experience that feeling of fear and dread that you feel when your abuser is near or live a lifetime of guilt for something that wasn't ever their fault!

If you think your child has been sexually abused call RCMP or your local Victims Assistance. For Airdrie & District Victims Assistance call 403 945 7290 or go to
www.airdrievictimassistance.com for more information.

Many resources and programs are available for parents, caregivers and professionals. Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse www.calgarycasa.com  offer a "Who Do You Tell" program and other resources on Sexual Abuse and are also launching a Child Sexual Abuse website January 2013.

North Rocky View Community Links in Airdrie offers a Sexual Abuse Support Group for Women abused as a child. Call 403 945 3900 or go to www.nrvcl.ab.ca for more information.

Little Warriors
www.littlewarriors.ca has a great Prevention Workshop, also offered through Community Links.

Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre, Calgary. For more information check their site out at http://sheldonkennedycac.ca The Mission of the Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre is to provide hope, help, and healing to abused children through treatment, prevention, investigation, education and research and to improve the community's response to child abuse.  

I'm a Survivor

My name is Karen MacDonald, and today is the beginning of the rest of my life!
I’m a Survivor! Survivor of what you may ask...
Well my life didn’t start out so great! I have experienced, as most people have…the good, the bad and the downright ugly. A journey that has been full of life’s ups and downs and teachings that have made me who I am today!
2012 was a year of growth, acceptance and healing for me personally. And as I said…today is the beginning of the rest of my life. A life free of the burden of guilt one feels from being sexually abused as a child...