Monday, December 30, 2013



Have to fess up that I'm not really one for making resolutions or goal setting for that matter...I can help you set your goals no problem but for myself? No gold stars there...heck, I could do with my own personal life coach...or maybe I just need a personal assistant! lol
If I have learnt anything from this past year, it's don't bite off more than you can chew, and ask for help (although I'm not shy in that area...just need more help lol). Prioritize what's important (family and friends), set a healthy balance between home, work and play and of course ME time.
So, what is my New Years resolution? Make more time for me. Selfish? Not at all. If you don't look after you, how can you give 100% to family & friends and to everything else you do?
So top of the list for 2014?
1. Self Care
Exercise, Eat healthier,
Meditate and schedule a few pamper me days.
2. Time with Family & Friends
Good quality meaningful and fun times. More laughter, I love to laugh, best medicine by far!
3. Be more organized
Prioritize these darn lists, set healthy and realistic goals, reset my body clock to get up and at it earlier in the day , and clock off, shut down earlier at night. Hopefully by setting a routine, exercising and eating healthier that I will actually sleep better...and no more night owl!
4. Fully launch my business
Procrastinated long enough. Have to make money this year so I can afford the next on the list!
The transition from the non profit world to being my own boss has been a bit of a struggle and to be perfectly honest...still is. I need to retrain my thought's okay to charge a fee for my services! Hoping I will get a business mentor, that sure would help. Money has never been a top priority but it sure would be nice to have enough to live a simple but interesting life.
5. Travel
Write a Bucket List of places to go. And start checking them off! The world is a big place, lots to see and not enough time to see it all.
6. Try new things
Toastmasters is on the list...should have tried this years ago!
Cooking. I love good food, just don't love cooking it. I could be a bit more adventurous. Planning on planting a vegetable garden in our new house so that will be interesting.
There you go...I've written my New Years Resolutions for 2014 and my first to do list for the year, so that's half the battle!
Wishing you happiness, good health and a prosperous year ahead.
Happy New Year. Karen xx

Monday, September 2, 2013


New Beginnings...

The song "I Can See Clearly Now" by Johnny Nash comes to mind as I think of what to write for this blog and also very fitting as I start on a new journey. I believe this sums it up pretty nicely on how I feel right now. However I had to look deep into the darkness before I could uncover the bright sunshiny day!

I really did retreat into that dark place for a bit, and felt it both emotionally and physically to a point that I thought I'd never get out of it. But I'm a strong cookie! And with support from family and friends I have resurfaced into a brand new day with nothing but blue skies. I am ready for a new journey and new beginnings.

So, what have I been up to since my last post? Been a long time...but I've been a busy bee! I have been working on becoming a Certified Professional Life Coach and have completed my training and now getting ready to launch my own business! 'My business' wow that sounds so weird but yet it's exciting!

You can find me on Facebook, Twitter and online

Not surprisingly my focus is women and girls. I feel Women Empowering Women is very powerful and a strong base for me.

Those of us that have survived the dark times are typically a great source of support for other women in their time of need. Don't get me isn't all about helping women heal. Many women, just need a little help in finding their gets a bit cloudy at times that we need help in clearing the clouds away so that we can see the blue sky.

I have to state that in no way is coaching a substitute for counselling or other similar professions. When anyone needs supports that are too complex or require intense therapy...we  refer to local agencies and professionals, I feel that is very important.

When I'm supposed to be slowing down, I find myself back in full swing! Bring it on I say... There's still a lot of kick left in this old bird! So wish me luck in my new venture :)

My business is 'Three D Coaching' ~ Empowering Women and Girls to Triumph by Discovering, Developing & Doing!

Empowering girls to discover their full potential and to follow their dreams. Building self-esteem & confidence and developing healthy life choices.

Empowering women who have overcome adversity; women in transition and women that want to make positive changes in their life!

Coaching is a resource and tool to help you in...DISCOVERING what it is you want from life. We empower you to find the answers that lie within you!

 A Life Coach will help you put your thoughts and desires into action and prioritize what really matters to you.

Sometimes we get caught up in the daily grind and our heads are so full of information that we lose focus of our life's course. With the help of a Coach you will put your life into top gear, by coming up with the answers that were already there, but just needed unearthing.

By DEVELOPING a strategy, and implementing it, you are well on your way to living a healthy, balanced and abundant lifestyle.

Last thing is just plain DOING it! To reach your goals we help you set up a plan of action to get you to the place where you can say "I am triumphant"

"We knew you had it in you all just needed a little help to get you there!" ~ Three D Coaching, Three Dimensional Thinking for Women! Women Empowering Women ♥

You can now also follow Three D Coaching on Thank you for your support and for following my journey.

This chapter of my life is over and the new one is just beginning. Wish me luck:)

Karen ♥


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Healing from Abuse

Healing! We all go through this process in our own way and at our own pace!

Well, healing for me was facing the demons by writing my story of abuse and sharing it with you. Am I healed from the abuse I endured? Heck no, the definition of healing was both bizarre and alien to me. What I mean by that is, I'm still going through the process. So do we ever heal? I have debated this with friends. To heal is what? To forget? There is no way to forget. We can't erase any part of our past however hard we try, but we can learn to live with it and accept it for what it is.

We are all very different on how we deal with things, and for me it is not hating my abusers...waste of emotion and my energy. I am much better than that anyway. So if not hating, not feeling shame and not thinking about it all the time is healing then I guess I'm well on my way!

Friday, May 3, 2013

To Forgive or Not Forgive?

I had a conversation regarding my abuse with my dear 80 year old friend recently about forgiveness. My friend is a Christian woman that I expected to say, forgive as God forgives us. However her response came in the form of a question "how can you forgive someone that has afflicted so much pain on you? And how do you forgive them?" I’m not sure I have the answer to that!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Arizona's Voice - See Me, Hear Me

On Monday April 15, 2013 I had the pleasure in accompanying Dani Polsom (Arizona'sVoice), to the Alberta Legislature along with her family and friends. What an amazing group of people...

Monday, April 8, 2013

Dear Abuser

Dear Abuser

I can't remember the first time I was introduced to you, but guessing days after I was brought home from the hospital just weeks old. I also have no idea how long you lived next door to my parents but I know you saw me, my siblings and other young families in the area grow up. You were a married man with a family of your own, and you loved your was always well kept and had beautiful flowers. I actually don't remember what you did for a living so not sure if you even worked. Were you a respected member of the community? I don't believe you were!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I have been asked this question many times. "What motivated you to tell your story?" Well, the answer to that is easy...Sheldon Kennedy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Just's a new day!

I have to say, I'm kinda glad to see the back of January and looking forward to what February has in store.

I purchased the 'I Can Do It' calendar by Louise Hay and trying to live by the positive messages and quotes.

So this is my challenge for the month of February

Time for me to get back on the saddle and see where lifes journey takes me! Live life with a positive attitude, and think loving thoughts always. As I'm only human and far from perfect, this may be a bit of a challenge, but one has to try. It's true what they say, that to love others, you need to love yourself first! Here's to February...the month full of love!
February 1
"I greet the new with open arms. I trust life to be wonderful" 


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Arizona's Voice

Arizona's Voice Against Childhood Sexual Abuse...

Arizona is of course the alias name used by the young woman I wrote about in my "I'm a Survivor"  post. I have yet to meet this brave young lady but I know that will happen pretty soon. Please go like her Facebook page Arizona's Voice Against Childhood Sexual Abuse

The petition created by Arizona's group is now circulating. *For Alberta residents only.

This petition is requesting the Legislative Assembly to pass legislation that will expedite all cases of crimes against children;
  • Automatically trigger an outside investigation, independent of Alberta Justice, where cases are stayed due to institutional or Crown delays, in order to determine the causes of such delays as well as solutions to ensure such delays do not happen again
  • Grant victims over 18 the right to waive media bans on their name if they choose to speak publicly about their victimization
  • Publish the number of Crown Stay of Proceedings and Withdrawals annually with an updated action plan from the Attorney General detailing how this problem is being addressed
  • And ensure the government allocates adequate resources to ensure the Crown Prosecutor’s office is able to effectively manage all prosecutions against violent offenders, especially those charged with sexual and other violent crimes against children
For more information on how you can help or to sign this petition email or facebook Arizona's Voice.

Or let me know if you would like a copy for your workplace or family. Thank you for your support!


Life Goes On

Three weeks have gone by since the article on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) was published in local papers, and as the saying goes “its yesterday’s news". We all carry on in our everyday life like nothing has happened. But that is how we survive isn't it? But for victims of abuse that isn't so easy!

Quotes of the Day

"I am filled with gratitude for all the blessings of my life."

~ Louise Hay January 29, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Support and Information

No child should ever have to experience that feeling of fear and dread that you feel when your abuser is near or live a lifetime of guilt for something that wasn't ever their fault!

If you think your child has been sexually abused call RCMP or your local Victims Assistance. For Airdrie & District Victims Assistance call 403 945 7290 or go to for more information.

Many resources and programs are available for parents, caregivers and professionals. Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse  offer a "Who Do You Tell" program and other resources on Sexual Abuse and are also launching a Child Sexual Abuse website January 2013.

North Rocky View Community Links in Airdrie offers a Sexual Abuse Support Group for Women abused as a child. Call 403 945 3900 or go to for more information.

Little Warriors has a great Prevention Workshop, also offered through Community Links.

Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre, Calgary. For more information check their site out at The Mission of the Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre is to provide hope, help, and healing to abused children through treatment, prevention, investigation, education and research and to improve the community's response to child abuse.  

I'm a Survivor

My name is Karen MacDonald, and today is the beginning of the rest of my life!
I’m a Survivor! Survivor of what you may ask...
Well my life didn’t start out so great! I have experienced, as most people have…the good, the bad and the downright ugly. A journey that has been full of life’s ups and downs and teachings that have made me who I am today!
2012 was a year of growth, acceptance and healing for me personally. And as I said…today is the beginning of the rest of my life. A life free of the burden of guilt one feels from being sexually abused as a child...